- Your order can only be cancelled if the product has yet to be shipped. To cancel, please write to our customer support team at
- In such cases, the order will be cancelled, and the refund will be processed by us within 7 business days after the cancellation request is acknowledged.
- Orders cannot be cancelled once shipped.
You can return your product within 5 days of delivery if the product has physical defects or in case of incorrect product been shipped.
- Physical defects.
- Wrong product delivered.
- Incomplete order / Missing products.
An email with photos of the damaged/incorrect product should be sent within the stipulated time in order for us to accept the request.
Returns will not be accepted if:
- Products are opened, used, or altered.
- Original packaging (cartons, labels, etc.) is missing.
- The return/replacement request is generated more than 5 days after the date of delivery.
- The damaged/missing product is reported after 5 days from the date of delivery.
- The product is being returned for a reason other than a manufacturing defect.
If you would like to return a product, let us know by emailing us at within 5 days of receiving the product.
Your email should contain:
- Order ID
- Name
- Items you want to return
- Reason for return
- Please ensure to include images as proof in your email
We will investigate and review your return request within 48 working hours.
Return Pick-up:
- Once we receive a return email request, we will initiate a reverse pickup. A service representative will visit you for the pick-up within 1 to 3 days.
- If our reverse pick up service is not available at your location, you will need to self-ship the product via any reliable courier partner.
Refund Amount Timelines:
- If you made an online payment, we will refund the amount back to the original source within 7 working days of receiving the refund request from you.
- For COD orders, we will refund the amount to your bank account within 14 working days of receiving a refund request.
Need help?
Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.